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- from
- The Amigan Apprentice & Journeyman, PO Box 411, Hatteras, N.C. 27943
- (919) 986-2443 Business, 986-2434 at Home
- This disk is an updated version of Amigan PD disk # 4. It has a newer
- version of BLINK (see below) than the original and an updated version of
- A summary of what is on this disk follows the disclaimer below. A directory
- listing in full, with notes, is found at the end of this file.
- We suggest you read this file in an editor in 80-column mode.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The following caveat was written by Fred Fish to apply to his library of
- Amiga public domain software. It applies so well to the AMIGAN library
- as well that I am using his version rather than re-write it.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- To the best of my knowledge, materials in this library are freely
- redistributable. This means that they have met one or more of the
- following conditions:
- (1) The materials contains explicit copyright notices permitting
- redistribution.
- (2) The materials were posted to a publically accessable electronic
- bulletin board and did not contain any copyright notice.
- (Such materials will be removed if it is subsequently shown
- that copyright notices were illegally removed.)
- (3) The materials were posted to a widely disseminated electronic
- network (such as usenet), thus implying that their author/poster
- intended them to be freely distributed. This applies only if
- they contain no notice limiting distribution.
- (4) The materials contain an explicit notice placing them in the
- public domain. This is not the same as condition (1).
- =======================================================================
- The Amigan Apprentice and Journeyman PD software library to date:
- Disk #1 - DPSLIDE, a utility for viewing IFF format pictures
- MicroEMACS 3.6, a full-screen editor
- Screendump, a screen-printing program
- TrueCIO, a C routine to give true one-character-at-a-time I/O
- to Lattice C for the Amiga
- Disk #2 - Amiga HACK v1.01E - a Dungeon adventure. Graphic icons replace
- characters in this version.
- Disk #3 - C-KERMIT, a file transfer protocol. Includes server mode.
- Disk #4 - See the summary below and the detailed index which follows:
- PD Corner Our newest Amigan Public Domain disk (No. 4) holds a
- by Doug Walker bunch of goodies for programmers, some interesting ut-
- 405 B3 Gooseneck Drive ilities for the workbench icon interface, a monopoly
- Cary, NC 27511 game, a program to fix the glitches in the V1.1 Epson
- printer driver, plus a program to get rid of the extra
- code which XMODEM leaves in object files after a download. For frosting, we
- also include POPCLI; it pops a new CLI any time you want one, and turns the
- screen off if you leave Amiga untended. [Ed. The disk also holds a work of art
- Doug is too shy to mention, as he helped write it: a new linker for Amiga, much
- faster than Alink--twice as fast at worst, and four to six times as fast most
- of the time. The cork-sniffers at the Software Distiller in Cary, NC deserve a
- platinum medal for this hack!]
- MAKE is a utility to help organize your project and keep everything up to date.
- MAKE is described in detail elsewhere in this issue. This version is only 14k,
- but it incorporates all the most important features of the UNIX (tm) version,
- including macros and default rules. Hats off to John Toebes and Jack Rouse of
- the Software Distillery for this fine implementation.
- BLINK is a linker designed to replace ALINK. A linker takes object files (.o
- files) produced by a compiler or assembler and LINKs them all together into a
- program. BLINK is public domain, is faster than ALINK, produces smaller code
- than ALINK, produces a more easily readable object file map than ALINK and
- takes up about the same amount of space on your disk (31k vs. 29k). BLINK also
- has support for some new features that will be out in Lattice C version 3.04
- which will allow the compiler to produce much smaller code. (For the techies,
- Lattice 3.04 will have 16-bit relative offsets for both code and data; BLINK
- supports these hunk types). BLINK was produced by the Software Distillery as
- well. It is command-compatible with ALINK; you needn't revise your batch files.
- (The version of BLINK included on this disk is version 6.7. Previous
- releases of Amigan PD disk # 4 included a different version of BLINK.
- BLINK 6.7 is now 37k but has many new features which make up for the added
- size! The release version of the Lattice compiler was changed to 3.10
- after this article was written.)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To order this disk (number 4) or any previously-issued disks, send $6 US to
- The Amigans, PO Box 411, Hatteras, N.C. 27943. Overseas, add $1 for postage.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ICONTOOLS are a set of four utility programs taken from a PD disk distributed
- by the New York Amiga user group AMuse. The first utility is ZAPICON, author
- un- known (hey, AMuse, let's give credit where it is due!) ZAPICON lets you
- take a Deluxe Paint brush or an Aegis Images window and turn it into an icon.
- ICONEXEC, by John Toebes, ties an icon to a specific command. Any command
- executable from AMIGADOS can now be executed from the workbench! SETALTERNATE,
- also by Toebes, allows you to give the icon a new picture when it is selected
- by a mouse click. This gives rise to some really great effects - see the icons
- in HACK as distributed on Amigan disk #2. SETWINDOW allows you to set up the
- output window your CLI program will use when executed from workbench.
- ARC is a utility program widespread on bulletin boards all over. It takes a
- number of files and compresses them as much as it can, then lumps them all
- together in one file for easier handling. If a program consists of four source
- files, executable and documentation, you can upload or download all of that in
- ARC library, and the size of the library is often smaller than the uncompressed
- executable alone. Many BBS's have files marked <name>.arc; these are ARC
- libraries, and should be unpacked with ARC. Amiga ARC is provided by Raymond S.
- Brand.
- FIXOBJ is a program which fixes a common problem when downloading software from
- a bulletin board. XMODEM, the most widely used terminal protocol, must have
- chunks of data that are exactly 128 bytes long. If the last chunk of your
- program is not exactly 128 bytes, XMODEM pads the data out to 128. This
- technique works fine on CP/M systems and on the IBM PC, but unfortunately NOT
- on the Amiga. If you try to execute one of these padded programs, AmigaDOS
- will respond 'not an object file'! FIXOBJ fixes these padded programs so they
- will run on the Amiga.
- POPCLI is a super little utility written, again, by John Toebes. POPCLI has two
- functions. First, if you haven't typed anything or used the mouse for a given
- period of time, POPCLI will turn your screen black to save the phosphors. It
- turns on again if you touch a key or the mouse. Second, any time you want a
- CLI, in any program, all you have to do is hit left-Amiga Escape and voila! I
- remember the dark days before I installed POPCLI on all my workbench disks,
- when my only CLI was tied up printing or editing a file and I couldn't do
- anything until it was done! Now, if I am in the editor and want to go look at
- something out on disk, I just pop up a new CLI and look. POPCLI is
- indispensable.
- (This disk contains an updated version of POPCLI called POPCLI II. POPCLI
- II supports the 1.2 operating system.
- )
- TSIZE gives you a listing of the number of bytes used by each directory on a
- disk. Very handy for seeing where the waste comes from!
- QCOPY is a graphical DISKCOPY. It shows what sectors it has copied and what
- sectors it had problems with. QCOPY can recover from errors that DISKCOPY
- gives up on--and you can copy a series of disks`without`re-issuing the QCOPY
- command. Be warned: it's okay with 512K or less; it crashes with expanded
- memory.
- MONOPOLY is a great old game; the version on disk was written by David Addison
- in ABASIC; it's stuffed with graphics and can handle up to four players. Enjoy.
- For further information, see the README.AMIGAN or the .DOC files in each
- directory.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- fixobj (dir) Makes runnable files
- fixobj fixobj.c from XMODEM transfers.
- fixobj.doc
- blink (dir)
- blink manual A new, fast linker to
- map.doc replace ALINK.
- make (dir)
- builtins.make hello.c An excellent MAKE
- hello.h main.c utility for C
- make make.doc programmers.
- makefile readme.amigan
- popcli (dir)
- popcli popcli.doc Pops a new CLI any-
- where, any time.
- misc (dir)
- lens lens.doc Useful odds and ends;
- qcopy qcopy.doc see the .doc files.
- quickea quickea.doc
- reversi reversi.doc
- tsize tsize.doc
- arc016 (dir) The well-known
- arc016.arc arc016.doc archiver.
- arc016.readme
- IconTools (dir)
- IconExec IconExec.Poster See the EXPLAINED
- iconexecexplained Intro and README files
- Introduction README.AMIGAN for details on
- SetAlt SetAlt.c these tools.
- SetAlt.Poster SetWindow
- SetWindow.c SetWindow.Poster
- ShowILBM ZapIcon
- zapiconexplained
- epfix (dir) A printer driver
- epfix epfix.asm patcher for V1.1
- epfix.doc Epson driver.
- monopoly (dir)
- monofiles (dir)
- blank_pic CENTER_PIC
- chance_pic chest_pic Files used by
- cont_pic dice1 MONOPOLY.BAS
- dice2 dice3 when it runs.
- dice4 dice5
- dice6 hotel_pic
- house_pic lite1
- lite2 lite3 Files monopoly.bas
- lite4 lite5 and monopoly_pic_dat
- lite6 lite7 in this sub-dir
- lite8 monopoly.bas are NOT the same
- monopoly_pic monopoly_pic_dat as the main
- player1 player2 files listed
- player3 player4 below. Ditto
- TRAIN1 TRAIN2 for monopoly_pic.
- yesno_pic
- monopoly.bas monopoly_pic The main program
- monopoly_pic_dat files, MONOPOLY.BAS
- fish.catalog A listing of programs on all Fish disks through number 30.
- readme.amigan <<======= This file